“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
~Albert Einstein
I've decided that I'm going to start my themed blogging early!
The reason? I'm very excited about my first "Frame-It Friday" and simply can't wait until next week!

Amy Kaufman has been a good friend of mine since my junior year of high school, about 7 years ago. She is married and has a beautiful baby girl who is quickly approaching 2 years old. She is a stay at home mother and an artist. My favorite thing that she says about herself is "I am quite the unapologetic girlie girl." I love this about her, and I love that she is an amazing and beautiful person, inside and out.
Mademoiselle Bardot
Amy: "I
adore Brigitte Bardot. She is one of the most beautiful women to ever live and she is my muse for most of my paintings. She has that va va voom factor that helps me paint my dainty dolls."
The only girl named Austin
Amy: "This painting was made for my best friend, Austin. She loves music and very girlie things. She's quite feminine so it came with ease to paint her so cute."
Alice in Wonderland
Amy: "Alice in Wonderland has always been my favorite book & Disney movie as a girl. Alice is imaginative, adventurous, bold and doesn't need a Prince Charming to save her. Also, she's a big daydreamer like myself. I painted her for my daughter's nursery. She is someone who, even if fictional and only a child, to admire. I believe a person should never lose their childhood imagination."
These are just a small sampling on Amy's fun and feminine creations. She is in the process of preparing an etsy.com account, and when she does, I will be sure to link to it on my blog.
As always, thanks for reading! See you next time!
Love always,
(The quote at the top of the page was one that Amy provided, I had never heard it before today.)
I love you my dearest Kayelee. Thank you so much for supporting my artwork and sharing it with others. You are a wonderful friend and I will always be thankful that God brought us together. I love, love, love you.
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