Well HI!
Here is a look into my mind for those of you just DYING to know what my thoughts are.
Let's go!
So I have a cold....
But... here's what I compare sickness to;
Imagine all of the world's sicknesses and ailments were rocks being hurled at people. Things like aggressive cancer, starvation, and so on, would be like boulders. They are going to knock you down, tear you up, and most likely kill you.
A cold is like a few grains of sand. It'll get into your eyes, your nose, and just be irritating as frack. However it will not leave you any worse for the wear when all is said and done. It's an annoyance, that is all.
Because of this, I will NEVER call in for work because of a cold, even if I have to chain a box of tissues to my waist.
So there's a little ray of sunshine for your day... Eh?
In regards to the Year of Months..
I haven't even though about what I'll be doing starting on Sunday for an entire month, but nonetheless I am excited to do it!
In regards to the YA Rebels...
We are rebooting! We are looking for a few good peeps so we can get launched and back on track! This year will bring you more author interviews, more fun insight into all different viewpoints in the YA lit world, and just... MORE. So stay tuned. Or audition. Auditioning is good too.
Anyways you guys rock my sick face off.
I'd rather have a grain of sand hurled at my head than a boulder...
Because I'm a Copycat of the Very Late Variety.
Quite some time ago my lovely and ambitious sister (who I silently glower at when she isn't looking due to her aforementioned ambitiousness,) did what she called a "Year of Months."
I know what you're going to say, "But Kayelee we all do a year of months.. Twelve of them.. Every single year."
BUT WAIT! Just listen for a second. These months were special! She had a theme for each month in which she challenged herself! There were months in which she took a photo a day, months in which she tried a new recipe daily, and so on, so forth.
Now I am well aware of my award winning lack of attention span. (You may not be, because I've never focused long enough to display those awards on my mantel. I've got them though, trust me.) SO this is what I shall do; play it by ear.
And so begins the planning. Will it be a year of months? Two months of months? 50 years of months? WHO CAN KNOW THESE THINGS?! Great mysteries of life and all that... But let's just say I'm shooting for a year.
Anyway, August will be the month in which I plan for this year. I have a few themed ideas which I will list, but I am welcome to any and all suggestions. Also, I will not decide which month I am doing until that month has reached it's eve.
The current list follows...
1. Photo-A-Day Month
In which I try my best to look like my life does not completely surround my dog and Doctor Who. This shall be tough, and you should still expect to see some of my dog because she is JUST THE CUTEST EVER AND I WANT TO SNUGGLE HER FACE OFF. Moving on....
2. Recipe and New Food Month
I thought my sister was CRAZY for this with all the planning and time it took, but there are just so many great things out there to try. I'm relieving a bit of the recipe burden by also allowing myself to try a food I have never tried in the stead of making a new recipe from time to time.
3. Art Month.
In which I explore all different forms of art, old and new. Perhaps I'll paint, make jewelry, sing, film a book trailer, or craft something else. Maybe I'll even take a class! Who can know? I'm told artists can be very unpredictable.
4. A Month of Helping.
I have yet to decide if this month means I commit myself to a daily good deed, or perhaps I find some volunteer work? This month will require planning out the wazoo, but I'm down.
5. Pinterest Month
Those of you that know me know that I have NEVER been into pinterest. I am just not the type of person that wants to make my own stuff. I want to buy it pre-packaged, decorate the room with it, and move on. However I've always wanted to take on a little more DIY craftiness, and pinterest has plenty of that, as well as yummy recipes. So maybe this will be the time I finally understand what all the craze is about!
6. Quote Month
Not sure where this one is gonna go. But it's a thing. It'll happen.
7. Video Month
I will not put up a video every day but I WILL work on a video project every day. I am not a professional but I do enjoy making videos. Plus my sis may need some book trailers soon. ;)
So here's where family and friends come in. I need 5 more months of challenges. I forewarn you though I have no interest in Vegetarian Month. Not because I don't want to do it, but because I barely care for meat as it is so I don't feel as though this would be any kind of a challenge.
Please help me find those 5 topics.
As I said, none of these will be in any particular order.
Love ya lots, you bunch of crazies.
<3 nbsp="" p="">Kayelee